it's been a busy little start to spring.

from ontario, to british columbia, to washington, to massachusetts, i'm so grateful to be alive at a time when google maps exists.

what's new?

wedding season kicks off june 1st in it's fullest force, so this month has been the last of stretch of "me time" until winter.

truthfully after the long winter haul, there's something extremely romantic about wrapping myself completely around my couples during wedding season.

that being said, i've jam packed quite a bit into then last month, starting with some concert work in toronto for baby o - a real life darling and music angel.

the shots below are 3/4 film, can you spot the digital?

next up, an impromptu visit to British Columbia

a wonderful couple of mine had just moved to the west coast in march, and having never been myself before, it was the perfect opportunity for a getaway.

we were able to fit in a magical engagement session in victoria city, along with a week filled with hikes, horseback riding, and hot tubbing at the beautiful dome we stayed in for the week. we also got to visit dear friends in washington, and adventure some of olympic national park.

while on the island, I finally got around to watching a highly recommended movie to me, based in boston, which was my next stop of the month after a quick landing in toronto.

there isn't a whole lot to say about this movie other than it's very good, matt damon is in it, the dropkick murphys rule, and if you havn't already seen it, definitely find some time.

then there was the north end of boston

another breathtaking spot for an engagement session for two stunning and wonderful folks who are tying the knot next year.

the final days of liv time are being spent well

i'm in massachusetts until may 28th, visiitng my partner and gearing up to ATTEND my very first wedding as an adult that i'm not shooting....wild.

so far here, i've been able to get caught up on some trash tv, do some guitar playing and writing, as well as dive into some records i've really been meaning to...i'll link those below if you're interested in some new ear updates.

for now, ciao, and happy depths of spring - until next time!